S&S 34 Association

Welcome to the Sparkman and Stephens 34 Site

S&S 34 Association

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Welcome to the S&S34 Association

 Welcome to the website of the Sparkman & Stephens 34 Association.  The Association is here to support all owners of S&S 34 yachts worldwide, and anyone else who loves these beautiful boats.  We promote both racing and cruising. S&S34s have completed more long distances voyages, especially solo, than any other yacht design.  They are also highly competitive IRC racers and are still winning major offshore races.

 Around 200 boats have been built, about 130 in Australia and the remainder in the UK.  New boats are still available, please click on the “The New S&S 34”  button above for full details and photos.

This website was originally established by member Steve Laws and was refurbished in 2013.  There is a link to our Discussion Forum on the right side of the page.

We hope you like our new site and please email the webmaster via the “contact” button with any comments or queries, or post direct on the website – unfortunately due to spamming issues you will have to fill in the Captcha anti-spam filter but only for your first comment. Your comments will be posted once reviewed by the webmaster. More comprehensive discussions can be had on the Discussion Forum.

A Few S&S34 Achievements

We believe that the S&S 34 has completed more circumnavigations and set more world sailing records than any other production yacht. Just some of the achievements:

  • Member Jon Sanders AO, OBE, honoured in 1983 by the United States Institute of Navigation with their Superior Achievement Award. Sailed his S&S 34 Perie Banou around the world twice via Cape Horn, non stop and alone, to set 12 world records.
  • Member David Dicks when only 17 years old set the record for the youngest to sail alone and non stop around the world via Cape Horn. He sailed his mothers S&S34 Seaflight, starting from Fremantle, Western Australia.
  • Jesse Martin when 17 years old, also in an S&S 34, Lionheart, successfully followed David Dicks example, setting a new record for the youngest to sail non stop, alone and unassisted around the world via Cape Horn starting from Port Melbourne.
  • Jessica Watson when only 16 years old set a further record (unofficial as the category of “youngest” had been abolished as an official record), sailing non stop, alone and unassisted around the world via Cape Horn starting from Sydney, arriving back 3 days before her 17th birthday.
  • Jamie Dunross, quadriplegic, sailed solo around Australia in 2010, starting from Fremantle, Western Australia, being the first disabled sailor to do so and setting the record for the longest distance sailed solo by a quadriplegic.
  • Seven West Australian members have sailed their S&S 34 yachts around the world starting from Port Fremantle, more are on their way.

NEW AND DEMO BOATS AVAILABLE! The S&S 34 is still available brand new, and also currently there are almost new “demo” boats available at substantially reduced cost, all featuring the new foam sandwich, vaccum infused construction. Email Jamie the webmaster or Mike Finn of Cottesloe Yachts or ring Mike on 0419 845336


Recent Comments

35 thoughts on “Welcome to the S&S34 Association

  1. Unfortunately, not all the boats launched are still sailing. Morning Tide has been lost at sea, possibly the first S&S34 anywhere to be lost at sea. The original S&S34 Morning Cloud, owned by Edward Heath, was lost from a mooring according to his book.

  2. I believe that I own the sisters ip to Morning Cloud! Certainly built in same yard at same time and launched ’69 /70. She is named Morning Glory and has been badly neglected but is slowly coming back to decent shape. We use her every summer and hopefully only have 2 more serious winters work ahead.

    • Thanks Richard,
      If you want, you can send me the details of Morning Glory (just look up the other boats to see the sort of info we post) and I can make you a new page. I have only just upgraded the web site to Word Press software and am still learning, so need some practice!
      Regards, Simon

    • Hi, Just read your message, is the Morning Glory you own sail no K2819, used to belong to a Pembrokeshire Farmer called John Davies, Herbrandston Hall, if so I sailed and raced that yacht from the late 70’s until 1987, been all over in her, and yes she was neglected and battered but what a sea boat, I used to do my best to try and keep her sort of seaworthy(my own funds), she’ll be wanting new keel bolts by now, please take care of her, she’s special(took her crew safely through 79 Fastnet), really love to hear from you about her upkeep oh and when she’s properly trimmed her boom whistles.Kind Regards Bill James.

    • Dear Stephen,
      Thanks for your comment, strictly speaking our website is specifically for S&S design no 1959, commonly known as the S&S 34. However, Association membership is open to those who do not own S&S 34s, although we won’t put anything other than an S&S 34 on our Yacht Directory. We have over the years had some members who own S&S 30s, and we have also assisted these and some owners of S&S 36s with various issues.
      Kind regards,
      Simon Torvaldsen, Webmaster

        • Hi Stephen,
          I owned an S&S 36 for a couple of years. They are a great boat but different to the 34’s and 39’s as they were almost a hybrid Bruce Farr/S&S design with flatter bottom and less tumblehome. In my opinion they were better layout below but lacked the punchy drive to windward of the 34 & 9’s. I currently singlehand a 39 out of Fremantle and cannot find a boat that I would rather have for local conditions. The 36 was built by Prestige in ’88 and is at FSC . I believe there are more at SoPYC. Enjoy!

          • I am currently looking into a ’79 S&S 39 that is for sale online. Apparently it started its life as a racing boat, but has spent more recent years cruising. Does anyone have thoughts on problems and/or the ability of a ’39 as a cruising yacht, both for coastal but potentially in the longer run as a blue water passage making boat. Obviously the results of a marine survey telling of its hull condition will be important before I am prepared to make an offer. I can be contacted at osca1600@gmail.com. Thanks Dave

  3. Hello there.
    I am looking to purchase and join the S&S 34 family here in WA, and wondering if anyone has any historical or otherwise, info on Morning Swan which is currently for sale. I am considering a flight across Australia to take a look.

    Best regards

    • Dear Jacqui,
      We have limited info on Morning Swan, which is hull no 43, built in 1977 for a RS Ryding of Nedlands, later noted to be sold to John Heydon in late 1980. I think it likely that the 2 boats listed on the Yacht Directory are the same one with different owners at different times. All the boats were well built and accident/unusual damage excepted, the main issues are those of age, ie wear and tear. Osmosis can be a potential problem with any boat 30+ years old, although issues with 34s have been relatively minor to date. However, even minor osmosis can be expensive to fix so worth checking. Bear in mind the interiors were often owner fitted and quality varies, in most cases expect a fair bit of work or a major refit. The price is good, so you have some room to manoeuvre. A total refit is possible, and the boats can be brought up to looking “as new” although there comes a point where you have done so much work you could have bought and fitted out a brand new one for not much more (they are available from new). Unless you plan to race, a “mk2 ” with the taller rig and spade rudder offers minimal advantage over the original design. you are welcome to email me direct if you get serious about it and have any further questions. They are fantastic boats to sail and there is a very active Association to support owners.
      Regards, Simon, webmaster

  4. Any info on the S& S 34 ” Hell Fire”. I was a crewman aboard when Keith Turner was the SKIPPER..

  5. Update on Meltemi. She has had a repaint, maintaining the original colours. The non-skid has yet to be done and I’ll post some photos when same plus some minor detailing is completed.
    I would very much appreciate any thoughts on a serious osmosis investigation on her hull.

    • Thanks Vaughan,
      The original colours were great so I am glad she is being brought back to “as new”. I think any good shipwright/marine fibreglass specialist could check the hull and give some ideas. The first thing is to get off the old antifouling and have a really good look at the bare hull. You can then decide if you just need limited treatment (ie tackling blisters individually) or whether you need to strip and replace the gelcoat (a lot more work). Either way you then finish off with a good layer of epoxy and put the antifouling back on. It’s all fixable, it just depends up how much work and therefore money is required. I have never heard of an S&S 34 with serious (ie extending into the fibreglass layup) osmosis, but I have heard of some boats having gelcoat replaced. I guess that’s not too bad after 40+ years afloat though.
      Regards, Simon

    • Dear Alex,
      Congrats on your purchase of Western Morning, she is a very famous S&S 34, being the forerunner of all the rest (Cicely June was an English import). If you would like to give me your details, when you bought her, where she is berthed now etc and anything else you want published, I will update her web page for you.
      Kind regards, Simon

      • I note Western Morning is moored in Sydney and currently for sale at $20K.
        Hull and standing rigging look okay but interior in need of some serious work. I recall Jim Taylor skippering her on the west coast many decades ago. I owned Grey Goose II (formerly Kydalu) until 2003 when I relocated to Sydney and regret selling her to this day.

  6. which shipyard build the S & S 34

    can new S & S 34 be fitted with a Carbon composite Mast

    with 2 spreaders.

    can Goiot Portholes and hatches be to a new S & S 34

    Goiot French portholes + Hatches makers

    thank you


    • Dear Octo,

      The S&S 34 is built by Swarbrick yachts in Western Australia. All the information is on the website. Any make or type of hatch and porthole can be fitted. A carbon mast can also be fitted. You can either copy the current mast in carbon and probably also lighten the top of the keel 100kg or so, or a whole new rig can be designed along with a modified keel. But I have to warn you that with the quality of construction it will be more expensive than a standard production boat like Beneteau or Jeanneau etc.

      Regards, Simon

    • All the old boats were hand laid glass, only the new generation ones built after 2000 are vacuum infused.

  7. Hi – I have just purchased a S&S 34 called Reveillier. She is currently in Liverpool but I will be basing her in Cowes and doing quite a bit of restoration / refit work to her. How do I go about registering on this site and being able to use the forums for some advice?

  8. Hi – I’m just about to paint the topsides and wondered if anyone had any measurements for where the waterline should sit? Very difficult to tell on the one I’ve just bought and I’m mid way through a major re-fit on her.

    • Hi Nicola,
      I know others on the website have responded to your queries. We would love to have an update from you on where you are with your refit. Hope all is going well.
      Kind regards,
      Vera & Andrew Waldby

  9. Helllo, I was wondering if you can tell me what the difference is between and S&S 34 and a Prestige 34? Is the Prestige 34 an S&S design built by Prestige Yachts in Fremantle WA ? or are they different boats all together.

    I am selling a Prestige 34 yacht for a client and not familiar with the build / design.

    • Hi James,
      The Prestige 34 was “inspired” by the Sparkman and Stephens style designs. It is not an official S&S design to my knowledge. They were designed by Swarbricks in Western Australia and have a winged keel in homage to Australia II. A different boat than an S&S34.

  10. Can some one explain the difference between the late 1960’s &1970’s Tartan 34 & a S & S 34 of the same era? I am new the the world of S & S boats and there is a large difference in $$ but Tartans were designed by S & S and so are boats labeled S & S 34. Thank you,

    • Hi Morgan,
      A late response, but the Tartan 34 was designed with a centerboard and not a fin keel. It was mainly built in the US. The SS34 was designed by Sparkman and Stephens but firstly built in the UK and then in Australia. It was designed to optimise the old IOR rules. The Tartan was designed for CCA rules at the time. There are many articles on the internet if you have time to search.

    • Hi Ryk,
      A late reply, the SS34 is a step up from the space sailor 27. More room inside, better performance if you are racing (if the boat is set up for it). It is an old design also, and on the heavy side, so good performance in winds 15 knots or more. Better to windward than downwind. Most on the market need some work before they are at their best again. They are solidly buiIt and most things can be fixed with time money and elbow grease in whatever combination you have. It is a Sparkman and Stephens design built mostly by Swarbricks not a Swarbricks design built by them. SS34’s still perform well on handicap in racing and can surprise in the right conditions. Good Luck in the hunt!

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